June 25, 2024 2 min read

Mouthwatering corndogs made with our organic yellow cornmeal and standard all purpose flour brings festival food right into your home. This easy to whip up recipe is sure to create fun food memories!  

Download a printable version of the recipe here.


Yield: 3 ½ cups batter for 12 corndogs


175g BSM Yellow cornmeal

155g BSM AP Standard flour

50g cane sugar

12g baking powder

5g salt

390g full fat buttermilk (room temp)

1 large egg (room temp)

20g molasses

15g grapeseed oil

12 hotdogs

Bamboo kebab skewers or corndog skewers


Canola or any neutral oil



Combine the dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl. Whisk to combine. In a separate bowl, combine the wet ingredients and whisk to combine. Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture and whisk until fully incorporated. It will resemble cornbread batter at this point. Set aside.


Skewer the hot dogs with kebab or corndog skewers. If using kebab skewers, best to use two for stability.


In a large pot or Dutch oven, pour about 5-6 inches of oil. Place the pot over medium-high heat and clip a fry thermometer to the side of the pot, or check the temperature periodically until it reaches 360°F.


Dip each hotdog into the cornmeal batter and rotate the hotdog while simultaneously spooning the batter over the hotdog to ensure an even coating. Give the hotdog a quick spin so that the batter settles evenly, then quickly place into the fry oil while carefully holding onto the skewer end. Holding the skewer end is necessary for this frying setup so that the corndog fries evenly. Be sure to turn the corndog every so often in the oil as it fries. Remove from the oil once it turns a dark golden-brown color. Place onto a cooling rack and allow to cool before dunking into your favorite corndog condiments!


*Allow the corndogs to completely cool before placing in an air tight container or freezer bag and pop in the freezer for a later corndog treat! Will freeze up to two months.