Frequently Asked Questions


About our Flours and Grains

Whole Berries - What does Whole Berry (WB) mean?

What’s the difference between Whole Berries, Whole Wheat, and ‘00’?

What is Whole Wheat (WW)?

What does Extraction mean?

Do I Need 85% Extraction?

What is '00' and what is it for?

Grain & Corn Varieties

What’s the difference between ancient grains, landrace grains, modern varieties?

How are stone milled flours different from roller-milled?

What’s the difference between grits and polenta?

There are so many options of grains! Which one(s) should I use?


What does protein % mean?

What’s a falling number?

What is AP? What's the difference between our Standard AP flour and Premium AP flour?

Cooking With BSM Products

Which flour should I use?

Do I have to do anything differently with your flours?

What should I use for bread flour?

How do I cook BSM grits or polenta?

Storing Grains & Flours

How should I store my flour or corn?

What is the shelf life of BSM products?

How can I tell when my flour or cornmeal has gone bad?

Chemicals, Organics, & Non-GMO

Are BSM products chemical free?

Are BSM products organic?

Are BSM products non-GMO?


Do you have gluten-free products?

Customer Service, Shipping, Returns

When will I receive my order?

What is your return policy?